Ride for the Riches
Winners: Ride for the Riches - May 11 and 12, 2013
Open Division

Winners Open Division
Larry Maybon and Gail Powers
2nd Place - Rick Ulrich and Keith Hanson
Larry Maybon and Mike Davidson
NFR Duffle bag sponsored by Boyd Gaming

High Point Open Division Winner
Rick Ulrich
Buckle Sponsored by Cutting Star Ranch, Paulden, AZ

High Point Open Division "Series" Winner
Jason Ray
Buckle Sponsored by Cutting Star Ranch, Paulden, AZ
Sevens Division

1st - Sherry Hole and Jason Ray
2nd - Bobbi and Rick Ulrich
3rd - Bobbi Ulrich and Scott Stresen-Reuter
4th - Dann Taylor and John Kealey

Seven's Division Shoot Out Winners:
Sponsored by Boyd Gaming
Jason Ray and John Kealey

Sevens Division High Point Winner:
Sponsored by Cutting Star Ranch
John Kealey

Sevens Division Championship Buckle Series Winner:
Sponsored by Cutting Star Ranch
Bobbi Ulrich
Fives Division

1st - Rick Ulrich and Keith Hanson
2nd - Shea Fogarty and Scott Stresen-Reuter
3rd - Keith Hanson and John Kealey
4th - Sherry Hole and Larry Maybon

Fives Division Shoot Out Winners: Sponsored by Boyd Gaming
Chris Jayne and Amy Augusto

Fives Division High Point Winner: Sponsored by Cutting Star Ranch
John Kealey

Fives Division Championship Buckle Series Winner: Sponsored by Cutting Star Ranch
Keith Hanson

Trophy Buckle Winner: Sponsored by B Bar J & Cryin Coyote Ranch
Rick Ulrich
Threes Division

1st - Chris Jayne and Brenda Hild
2nd - Dann Taylor and Shea Fogarty
3rd - Keith Hanson and Shea Fogarty

Threes Division High Point Winner: Sponsored by Cutting Star Ranch
Shea Fogarty

Threes Division Championship Buckle Series Winner:
Sponsored by Cutting Star Ranch
Jose Martinez
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